Janna and
Jen have both done this meme that's going around the blogosphere. There's a picture and some rules, but I don't feel like bothering with all that. I'm supposed to list seven things that you may not know about me, but I've altered that and listed seven things that are on my mind
this week, that you also probably don't know about me.
If you'd like to play along, please leave your seven things in the comments, or let me know if you post on your own blog.
1. We haven't had a phone in four days. I'm not sure if it's the line or the phone, but that shows you how often we actually use it.
[Since writing this Ibis fixed the line. But then the power went out because we didn't pay the bill that never arrived.]2. I've lost 2.5 of the 5 kilos I'd like to lose. I'm not liking how my body behaves now that I'm in my mid-30s -- it's hard to maintain and even harder to lose -- but what are you gonna do?
3. I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist. I sometimes wear an athletic wristband to elevate my wrist (so it's higher in relation to the mouse) but I worry I'll eventually need surgery. And now my pinkie on that hand hurts as well.
4. I'm no longer planning to buy sheets when I go home. Ibis completely shredded our top sheet a couple nights ago (there was a shout of frustration, then a big RIIIIIP, then much huffing and puffing as he tossed it aside) so I put a twin-sized sheet on our bed for the time being. Turns out it's exactly as wide as our bed, and since I only cover a leg at most, that should work fine.
5. I'm jealous over how excited Owen gets when Ibis comes home, but I'm thinking that I might need to actually leave the house if I want Owen to be excited to see me. He is happy when I come home from the gym, but it's not the same. On the flip side, I'm worried he won't remember be after I'm gone for two weeks!
6. Speaking of Owen, Ibis has joked that he's only going to feed him a little bit so that Owen stays small. Yes, it's a joke. But we also keep joking that we want to eat him in a taco. So. Fricking. Cute. *dies*
7. *sits back up* Here's one that is a general thing about me, nothing isolated to this week: I often start washing my dishes while I'm still chewing my last bite. If I don't force myself to stay in my chair and savor the last bite, I'm up and in the kitchen before I realize it. Needless to say, we rarely have dishes in the sink.
+1 This is a
Friends reference. There's an episode where Phoebe and Rachel take a self-defense class and declare they can kick anyone's butt (or something like that). Ross makes it his mission to prove them wrong, then they in turn try to scare him (you know how these shows go) but he says because he studied karaté, he has "unagi" (said while pointing at one's temple) and sees everything.
They ridicule his word unagi, and throughout the episode everyone asks "isn't that eel?" By the end of the show, the girls scare him and Rachel points to her temple and says "salmon sushi roll." Good times.
Ibis happened to watch this episode with me, so now every time he does something that surprises me, he points to his temple and says "sudoku."
Now tell me whatcha got!