Boo. The Red Wings lost in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. It was a great series, a great playoffs, and now I'm looking forward to a summer full of fĂștbol.
I supposed I should congratulate the Penguins since I have a lot of friends who are fans... consider this your congratulations. :P
I was just going to comment on your nice view until I noticed it was the title of your post. :-) It is gorgeous!
Spy, I couldn't stop taking pictures. It's just so pretty. :)
Beautiful sunset!
Sorry about the game.
But beautiful sunset!
*goes off singing "accentuate the positive"
You're singing my tune... :)
Aww, poor Melanie. Sorry your team lost. :(
Thanks Wendy. It was a good series and we DID win last year, so I suppose it's time to share.
Pretty picture! Sorry about your team. :(
Thanks Robin.
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