Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

These American (or United Statesean) holidays just aren't the same when you're in another country. Nobody cares, although I did make Ibis wish me a Happy 4th.

More exciting than the non-holiday is the fact that today is Ibis's LAST day of class. He has a test this evening then graduation next Thursday. Woo-hoo! What makes this even more exciting/amusing (for me) is his class voted on matching outfits and they settled on pink oxford shirts and black pants. He came home with the shirt a couple nights ago and it's the exact shade of Pepto Bismol. Perfect. :D Yes, there will be pictures.

For those of you in the know, this also brings an end to my evening activities. Double woo-hoo!

I finished my aunt's book, Freezing Point, last night and I really like it. It's a thriller and she's found a unique way to make you jump as you whip through the pages. At one point I nearly leapt out of my skin when Ibis opened the bedroom door, then later I gasped so loudly that I woke him up, twice. That means it MUST be good.

I hope everyone stateside is having a great long weekend. As for the rest of you, Happy Friday!


Spy Scribbler said...

Happy Fourth of July! I treated myself by driving to an out-of-town Borders. (Yes, this is what my vacations have come down to!)

I love a man who can pull off a pink shirt. There's something sexy about it, if they can retain their manliness.

I'll keep an eye out for Freezing Point! You'll let us know its release, right?

Melanie Hooyenga said...

That sounds more exciting than my 4th. We just watched the end of Police Academy 4 (not 1 or 2, #4) and now I'm eating lunch while reading edits.

Her book comes out October 2nd, I believe. She commented with the exact date on the day I posted about it. I suppose I could go look...


WendyCinNYC said...

Happy Fourth, Melanie! We just got back from fireworks and a bonfire at the beach--sending you a virtual s'more....


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th Mel...well a day late!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Mmm, s'mores. Thanks Janna and Wendy!

We saw fireworks over the downtown last night - from our window. I'm not sure what they're for, but it was nice having the tradition down here.

Janna Leadbetter said...

I wondered how it'd be for you down there. No red, white and blue decorations here and there?

Congrats to Ibis! And do keep us posted about the release of your aunt's book. I haven't read a good thriller in a few years, at least.

Janna Leadbetter said...

Adding: Whoops! Now I see your comment about October 2nd. Thanks.