Monday, July 7, 2008

Amazing Video

I hate to double post today, but this clip from Britain's Got Talent is amazing. I had tears in my eyes!

Watch here.


Janna Leadbetter said...

Wowie. Teary eyes, goosebumps AND a burning nose. That girl's got talent!

Stephen Parrish said...

Thanks. I love clips like this.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

*falls to floor*

Stephen Parrish visited my blog? Holy crap!

Joshua said...

wow, that is amazing. Its up there with Paul Potts from lasts year show. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and saying hi, ment alot. If your cool with Janna, your cool with me :)

Anonymous said...

Goosebumps. That was fun to watch.

Jes said...

Awwww, her daddy made me cry! P.S. Who's Stephen Parrish?

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Jes, he's another blogger who gets mentioned on all the other blogs I read. I only recently added him to my daily list so I'm surprised to see him here.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Thanks Joshua!